UMass Geomechanics

UMass Geomechanics Software

These two-dimensional Boundary Element Method codes use displacement discontinuity linear elements to simulate fracture deformation. All of the software developed byt the UMass Geomechanics group is based on Fric2D with different modifications suited for different geomechanical problems.


A boundary element code for investigating frictional faults in two dimensions. The code incorporates the development of secondary fractures associated with fauting and fracture propagation by tensile failure.
  • Frictional slip along faults (prescribe tolerance and iteration limit for convergence)
  • Friction evolves from static to dynamic values over a presribed slip weakening distance
  • Development of tensile failure along fautls where max principal tension exceeds tensile strength (e.g. regions of slip gradient)
  • Propagation by tensile failure at opening or mixed-mode fracture tips


A boundary element code for investigating cross-sectional deformation of frictional faults in two dimensions with arbitrary topography. The code has the same functionality of Fric2d and superposes lithostatic loading due to arbitrary topography before finding the solution to the boundary value problem.<
accretionary wedge
  • Includes all features of Fric2d listed above
  • Incorporates arbitrary topography specified within a separate topography file ( x_loc y_loc)

GROW: GRowth by Optimization of Work

grow logo A model tool that grows faults by searching for the propagation path that optimizes external work
The code is a perl script wrapper around the Boundary Element Method code FRIC2D that run successive models to explore the fault propagation path that minimizes external work. This software was written by Jess McBeck for her MS thesis.

Other tools available by request

We have a variety of scripts and modified versions of codes to address specific problems. If you are interested in the tools listed below conact Michele Cooke.