Eve Vogel awarded IWR Water Resources Grant

 RiverSmart Communities and Federal Collaborators: Attuning federal agencies and programs with state, regional and local efforts to support ecologically restorative flood prevention and remediation in New England

The project is funded by the Army Corps of Engineers' Institute for Water Resources. Eve Vogel is the PI, Jerry Schoen of the WRRC is Project Manager, and Christine Hatch is a collaborator. The amount is $198,597. It will begin in the late fall 2013 and go through summer 2015.
Under the grant, they will study four case studies of federal agencies and programs that have worked successfully with state, regional, local and/or nonprofit efforts; run two one-day workshops first distilling community needs and ideas and then working to translate these into federal agency and legislative opportunities; develop a white paper for federal agencies, personnel and programs; and disseminate analyses and recommendations to stakeholders and agencies.

It will fund a grad student fully for a year (2014-15) and an undergrad for a year and a half. In addition they will be working with several people from the Corps, including Paul Wagner of the USACE IWR, Jennifer Dunn of the Silver Jackets program, and Chris Hatfield, New England District. Kim Lutz and Katie Kennedy of The Nature Conservancy and Carolyn Ness and Debbie Shriver of the Deerfield Resilient Communities group will also be important collaborators.