Spring 2024 Courses

This list is copied from the Five College Consortium course schedule and is updated as often as possible.

Until the end of Add/Drop, courses are changing daily. Please log into SPIRE for the latest course information.

NOTE: Some hybrid andd remote-learning courses may be mistakenly listed as in-person / on-campus on SPIRE. Please contact the instructor for the latest information on how the course will be taught.

This page last updated 11-27-2023

Courses in Geography

Subject Course # Section # Type Title Instructor Time
GEOGRAPH 102 01 LEC Intro/Human Geography Eric Thomas M W F 11:15AM 12:05PM
GEOGRAPH 102 01AA DIS Intro/Human Geography M 1:25PM 2:15PM
GEOGRAPH 102 01AB DIS Intro/Human Geography M 4:00PM 4:50PM
GEOGRAPH 102 01AC DIS Intro/Human Geography TU 1:00PM 1:50PM
GEOGRAPH 102 01AD DIS Intro/Human Geography TU 4:00PM 4:50PM
GEOGRAPH 102 01AE DIS Intro/Human Geography W 12:20PM 1:10PM
GEOGRAPH 102 01AF DIS Intro/Human Geography TH 4:00PM 4:50PM
GEOGRAPH 102 01AG DIS Intro/Human Geography W 1:25PM 2:15PM
GEOGRAPH 102 01AJ DIS Intro/Human Geography TH 1:00PM 1:50PM
GEOGRAPH 110 01 LEC Intro to Climate Science Timothy Cook TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM
GEOGRAPH 110 02 LEC Intro to Climate Science Timothy Cook TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM
GEOGRAPH 196 01 IND Independent Study 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOGRAPH 200 01 LEC Geography of US and Canada Eve Vogel M W F 10:10AM 11:00AM
GEOGRAPH 220 01 LEC World Regional Geography Toby Applegate TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM
GEOGRAPH 220 01AA DIS World Regional Geography TU 4:00PM 4:50PM
GEOGRAPH 220 01AB DIS World Regional Geography TU 4:00PM 4:50PM
GEOGRAPH 220 01AC DIS World Regional Geography W 11:15AM 12:05PM
GEOGRAPH 220 01AD DIS World Regional Geography W 11:15AM 12:05PM
GEOGRAPH 220 01AE DIS World Regional Geography W 4:00PM 4:50PM
GEOGRAPH 220 01AF DIS World Regional Geography W 10:10AM 11:00AM
GEOGRAPH 220 01AG DIS World Regional Geography TH 4:00PM 4:50PM
GEOGRAPH 220 01AJ DIS World Regional Geography TH 4:00PM 4:50PM
GEOGRAPH 296 01 IND Independent Study 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOGRAPH 298 01 PRA Practicum 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOGRAPH 314 01 LEC Writing In Geography Piper Gaubatz M W 2:30PM 3:45PM
GEOGRAPH 352 01 LEC Computer Mapping Ayodele O'Uhuru TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM
GEOGRAPH 352 02 LEC Computer Mapping Ayodele O'Uhuru M F 1:00PM 2:15PM
GEOGRAPH 360 01 LEC Economic Geography Toby Applegate TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM
GEOGRAPH 396 01 IND Independent Study 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOGRAPH 440 01 LEC Political Geography Eve Vogel M W 4:00PM 5:15PM
GEOGRAPH 468 01 LEC GIS and Spatial Analysis Qian Yu TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM
GEOGRAPH 496 01 IND Independent Study 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOGRAPH 496T 01 IND IS-Senior Thesis 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOGRAPH 499P 01 IND Honors Project 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOGRAPH 499T 01 IND Honors Thesis 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOGRAPH 499Y 01 IND Honors Research 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOGRAPH 592B 01 SEM S-GIS Seminar Forrest Bowlick W 2:30PM 3:45PM
GEOGRAPH 592M 01 LEC S-Computer Mapping TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM
GEOGRAPH 593T 01 SEM S-Teaching and Learning in GIS 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOGRAPH 604 01 LEC Geographic Theory and Analysis Forrest Bowlick M W 9:05AM 9:55AM
GEOGRAPH 668 01 LEC GIS and Spatial Analysis Qian Yu TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM
GEOGRAPH 691R 01 SEM S-Readings in Political Geog 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOGRAPH 694P 01 LEC S-Political Geography Eve Vogel M W 4:00PM 5:15PM
GEOGRAPH 696 01 IND Independent Study 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOGRAPH 698G 01 PRA GIS Practicum Forrest Bowlick 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOGRAPH 796 01 IND Independent Study 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOGRAPH 896 01 IND Independent Study 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOGRAPH HI110 01 IND Intro/ClimateScience (HnrsInd) Timothy Cook 1:00AM 1:00AM

Courses in Geology

Subject Course # Section # Type Title Instructor Time
GEOLOGY 101 01 LEC The Earth William Clement M W F 9:05AM 9:55AM
GEOLOGY 101 02 LEC The Earth William Clement M W F 9:05AM 9:55AM
GEOLOGY 101 99LL LAB The Earth William Clement M 2:30PM 5:30PM
GEOLOGY 101 99LM LAB The Earth TU 8:00AM 11:00AM
GEOLOGY 101 99LN LAB The Earth TH 8:00AM 11:00AM
GEOLOGY 101 99LQ LAB The Earth W 2:30PM 5:30PM
GEOLOGY 101 99LR LAB The Earth TU 2:30PM 5:30PM
GEOLOGY 101 99LS LAB The Earth TH 2:30PM 5:30PM
GEOLOGY 101 99LU LAB The Earth F 2:30PM 5:30PM
GEOLOGY 101H 01 LEC The Earth hons Isla Castaneda TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM
GEOLOGY 101H 01LL LAB The Earth hons F 8:00AM 11:00AM
GEOLOGY 103 01 LEC Intro Oceanography Samantha Bombard TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM
GEOLOGY 103 02 LEC Intro Oceanography Samantha Bombard TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM
GEOLOGY 131 07 LAB Experiencing Geology W 8:00AM 11:00AM
GEOLOGY 196 01 IND Independent Study 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOLOGY 196ISH 01 IND Hons IndStu/Geology 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOLOGY 231 01 LEC Methods in Geosciences R Leckie,David Boutt,Michael Williams,Julie Brigham-Grette,Haiying Gao,Stephen Burns W 9:05AM 9:55AM
GEOLOGY 231 01LL LAB Methods in Geosciences R Leckie TH 1:00PM 5:00PM
GEOLOGY 296 01 IND Independent Study 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOLOGY 296ISH 01 IND Hons IndStu/Geology 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOLOGY 321 01 LEC Petrology M W F 10:10AM 11:00AM
GEOLOGY 321 01LL LAB Petrology W 2:30PM 5:30PM
GEOLOGY 351 01 LAB Skills & Methods/Earth History R Leckie W 1:25PM 3:45PM
GEOLOGY 351 02 LAB Skills & Methods/Earth History R Leckie F 1:25PM 3:45PM
GEOLOGY 394LI 01 LEC EarthHistory:Life,ClimateEnvir R Leckie M W F 11:15AM 12:05PM
GEOLOGY 396 01 IND Independent Study 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOLOGY 396ISH 01 IND Hons IndStu/Geology 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOLOGY 396T 01 IND IS- Junior Thesis 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOLOGY 415 01 LEC Intro to Geochmstry Steven Petsch TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM
GEOLOGY 496 01 IND Independent Study 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOLOGY 496ISH 01 IND Hons IndStu/Geology 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOLOGY 496R 01 IND Indstu-Senior Resrch 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOLOGY 496T 01 IND IS- Senior Thesis 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOLOGY 499P 01 IND Honors Project 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOLOGY 499T 01 IND Honors Thesis Isla Castaneda 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOLOGY 499Y 01 IND Honors Research 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOLOGY HI101 01 IND The Earth (HnrsInd) William Clement 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEOLOGY HI321 01 IND Petrology HnrsInd 1:00AM 1:00AM

Courses in the Geosciences

Subject Course # Section # Type Title Instructor Time
GEO-SCI 558 01 LEC Paleoclimatology Stephen Burns,Isla Castaneda TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM
GEO-SCI 573 01 LEC Environmental Geophysics William Clement M W 2:30PM 3:45PM
GEO-SCI 577 01 LEC Introduction to Seismology Haiying Gao TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM
GEO-SCI 579 01 LEC ST-Programing & Data Analysis William Clement TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM
GEO-SCI 587 01 LEC Hydrogeology David Boutt M W F 11:15AM 12:05PM
GEO-SCI 587 01LL LAB Hydrogeology W 2:30PM 5:30PM
GEO-SCI 590S 01 LEC Environmental Stable Isotopes Matthew Winnick TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM
GEO-SCI 593G 01 SEM Geophysics Seminar Haiying Gao,Michael Williams 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEO-SCI 596 01 IND Independent Study 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEO-SCI 696 01 IND Independent Study 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEO-SCI 701 01 LEC Professional Seminar Julie Brigham-Grette M 12:20PM 1:10PM
GEO-SCI 705 01 SEM GEOSCI Grad Program Sem II Michele Cooke F 3:00PM 4:30PM
GEO-SCI 763 01 LEC Quaternary Seminar 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEO-SCI 787 01 SEM Hydrogeology Seminar David Boutt,Matthew Winnick M 4:00PM 5:00PM
GEO-SCI 796 01 IND Independent Study 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEO-SCI 821 01 SEM Petrology Seminar Stephen Turner,Michael Williams 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEO-SCI 831 01 SEM Structural Geol Sem Michael Williams,Michele Cooke W 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEO-SCI 892P 01 SEM Sem-Planetary Christopher Condit F 11:15AM 12:15PM
GEO-SCI 896 01 IND Independent Study 1:00AM 1:00AM
GEO-SCI H587 01 COL Hydrogeology (colloq) David Boutt 1:00AM 1:00AM