Associate Professor
MS Geography Graduate Program Director
environmental geography
remote sensing
267 Morrill Science Center
(413) 545-2095
PhD 2005 University of California-Berkeley
Research Interests:
I am an environmental geographer, interested in using GIS, remote sensing and spatial modeling to study environmental system. My current research focuses on these following topics.
- Riverine carbon export from watershed, currently focusing on water carbon measure using in situ spectral measurement and hyperspectral remote sensing image. (Collaborate with Yong Tian at Central Michigan Univ. and Bob Chen of EEOS, UMass-Boston)
- Aquatic biomass monitoring and assessment from in situ spectral measurement and high resolution satellite imagery. (Collaborate with USGS MA-RI Water Resources Center )
- Object-based classification and vegetation information (biophysical parameters and vegetation species) extraction from high resolution remote sensing imagery.
- Greenhouse gas emission and soil respiration. (Collaborate with Jim Tang @ Marine Biology Lab, Woods Hole)